Vienna’s English Theatre
veröffentlicht am 05.06.2024
26 students of the 7th forms and their English teachers Mrs Kindler, Mrs Hübl and Mr Jakits, enjoyed a hilarious theatre adaptation of Jane Austen’s classic ‘Pride and Prejudice’ by Isobel McArthur.
26 students of the 7th forms and their English teachers Mrs Kindler, Mrs Hübl and Mr Jakits, enjoyed a hilarious theatre adaptation of Jane Austen’s classic ‘Pride and Prejudice’ by Isobel McArthur.
Together with the five brilliant actresses we embarked on a journey to excitement, first love, sorrow and a happy end. The play was transformed into a light-hearted, fast-paced tour-de-force with witty dialogues and karaoke-style pop songs. Everybody had a good time and we would really recommend watching it at the Vienna`s English Theatre. (Christine Hübl)