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Language trip to England (Classes 6A & 6C)

veröffentlicht am 30.06.2023
From May 9th to May 15th, we, the students of classes 6A and 6C, visited southern England together with our teachers Ms Hajda, Mr Wailzer and Mr Jakits, where we spent a week in the beautiful seaside town of Worthing.
After landing in London, a bus took us to Worthing, where we met our host families, had dinner with them and received some information about the plans for the week. On the following day, we visited our language school for the first time. We were divided into three groups and attended classes from 9am to 12.30pm, where we improved our English skills by talking and playing games with native speakers.
In the afternoons, we always had exciting trips planned, such as a tour of Worthing and a visit to Arundel Castle, one of the most impressive castles in all of England. On the third day, we headed to Brighton and toured the Royal Pavilion, which is a well-known former residence of some former British monarchs. We spent most of our evenings with our host families or met up in local parks and played some games there. 
On Saturday, we went to Southampton, the town where the Titanic set sail for the first (and last) time. In the morning we visited the Sea City Museum and learned a lot about the ship and the passengers. Afterwards we had some time to explore the city, go shopping or grab something to eat. In the afternoon we watched FC Southampton play against FC Fulham in the local football stadium. Unfortunately, Fulham won 2:0 and so the fans of the FC Southampton were disappointed. However, the atmosphere in the stadium was fantastic.
On our last day, we had to get up early as we took the train to London. After arriving, we toured the city on a Hop-on Hop-off bus and saw impressive landmarks such as the Big Ben, the Westminster Abbey, the Houses of Parliament, the Tower Bridge and Buckingham Palace. At the Tower of London, we got off the tour bus and took a boat ride down the River Thames, where we received more information about the city. After that our group visited the London Dungeon and had a really fun but also frightening experience there. Before we headed back to Worthing, we had some free time to explore London on our own. In the evening we had our last dinner with our host families and on the next day we flew home again. 
All in all, we enjoyed the language trip very much and it was a wonderful experience, which we will remember for a long time.

Laura Toyfl (6C)