Leitbild Gymnasium Don Bosco


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Bad Gastein

veröffentlicht am 26.06.2022
From the 13th of June to the 17th of June, the class 6c visited the lovely town of Bad Gastein, where we spent a week to improve our English with the help of SFA, as well as to enjoy the beautiful view that the mountains presented us with.
After arriving, we carried our bags into our designated rooms and went straight to our first lesson of the week. We were split into two groups, each having one of the two available teachers alongside us. We then spent the next three hours talking, presenting, playing games or answering riddles (in English of course). After one and a half hours, each group swapped teachers, so that every student spent time with both of them.

But not only did we attend our lessons, there were also other activities such as hiking, a sports program, a designer show/catwalk, a game night and many more. Between the entertainment and the English, we also had the time to talk with our friends, play together or to just simply relax. It was a great experience and we all enjoyed it very much.