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veröffentlicht am 16.11.2022
Marvellous Irish weather, interesting food, funny Irish teachers, amazing sights, welcoming host-families, hundreds of sheep and lots of fun – these are some impressions from our language trip to Ireland.
Together with our teachers Prof. Ulrichshofer, Prof. Ferstl and Prof. Holzer and our "assistant" Kathi Rambacher, we, the students of 8A and 8B, set off for the Emerald Isle on September 12th. Eight days at the East and West coast of the Republic of Ireland did not only give us an idea of the Irish and their interesting and rich culture but also helped us to improve our English skills and learn some Irish. In our leisure time we were overwhelmed by the wonderful view of the Cliffs of Moher, listened to some buskers in Galway and Grafton Street in Dublin and enjoyed talking to some friendly Irish people in the parks and streets of the "cleanest" town of Ireland, Ennis.
With our trip to Ireland, we had a smooth and cosy start into our final year at school, which will hopefully provide plenty of "craic" and success for all of us.